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I have worked with Amy Pieri and found her to be very knowledgeable, diligent, and dedicated when it comes to managing all aspects of her clients' care. I have seen her become invaluable to client and family alike. She is empathetic, understanding, accepting, and a great communicator. The patients we have been involved with together just adore her. Besides being a creative problem solver, she is very compulsive when it comes to ensuring her client's needs are met. In addition, she is a pleasure to work with.

Dr. Laurie Draughon
San Ramon, CA


My Godmother is wheelchair bound with Rheumatoid Arthritis, incontinent and unable to perform the simple tasks of life. Several years ago, as the RA was beginning to become debilitating she asked me for assistance. She wanted to stay in her own home as long as she could. Her financial situation as well as her health were limiting factors in the viability of her wishes. Amy Pieri assisted us several times through successive health crises and financial challenges to come up with the best possible options for my godmother. My Godmother is currently in her own home with excellent 24-hour assistance and doing well. Amy's input and help is what has made the present stable situation possible. I really can't imagine having gotten through this without Amy's knowledge and creative thinking.

Michael Hartman
Albany, CA

Amy, your visit to our home this week simply reinforced our "collective" sense of you as a truly outstanding professional. My husband with Parkinsons Disease and heart problems; and now me, with esophageal junction cancer with likely metastasis to the lung; and round the clock health care aides---we're quite a load; but with your "always there for us" presence when needed, we're also quite a team.

I've described you to several families needing, or soon to be needing assistance, as "amazingly resourceful, widely read in the pertinent areas of gerontology, a "deep" listener and problem solver, a mediator when needed, and simply a very welcome guest whenever you come by. We love the way you do your work, and we all hope you continue to flourish.

Yolande and Marvin Adelson
El Cerrito, CA


Amy Pieri has been the Care Manager for my father for the past two years. I must say, throughout this time she has continuously been the guiding light for our family. My father had a massive stroke and she immediately assisted us with resources, such as great caregivers that my dad has bonded with, and assistance with applying for the V.A. Aid and Attendance benefit to cover some of the costs. Her professionalism, knowledge, and sincere interest in the care of the elderly is evident.

Cecelia Kennerly